I've had lots of cats and never had one lay like this. He lays with his legs tucked under him and then stretches his neck out flat on the ground. Does it mean he's in pain?
Take pictures and X of day does this happen after eating is there any throwing up of hairballs my cat had a pancreatitis condition and when he was uncomfortable he would tuck his front paws towards his body and stretch his neck out at times he tried to keep his neck a little higher than his body I think you better take him in for a check something is going on
Jan 01, 2020 Rating
Don't think so by: Mike
I had a cat that used to lie down like that often. I don't think she did it because she was in pain. To be sure, though, make sure he gets checked out by a vet.
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
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