Is my 12 week old kitten a seal point Siamese?

by Sue

8 weeks

8 weeks

Any guess as to what, if any, breed my 12 week old kitten is? I couldn't get the third picture to post of pads. They're mostly pink with a few having brown marbling in with it.

She was found in the road with her dead Momma. She is a real sweetheart.

I get confused reading all the information as to color and point and how to tell by ears and markings. Is she a mitted bi-color seal point of some breed?

On the Siamese groups, they say she's a Snowshoe. On Snowshoe they say Ragdoll.

I realize she's not a full breed but those of you in the know may be able to guess the closest for my veterinarian information for illnesses.

I realize it doesn't matter because I'm thankful to have such a beautiful, sweet cat, but am curious. Isn't her tail to die for lol?!!

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Apr 04, 2019
by: Anonymous

That's a Snowshoe if I ever saw one. Beautiful cats!

Dec 09, 2018
by: Anonymous

I’m not sure but she’s a cutie!

Nov 29, 2017
your cats breed
by: Marcie

I had a cat just like her that lived to be 18 years old. She was half Himalayan and half Siamese. She had exactly the markings your kitty has I swear! As she got older she will get darker on the non white markings.

Nov 22, 2017
My personal thought.....
by: Anonymous

I've bred Persian and Himalayan cats for years. My first thought was that you have a seal point Himalayan. Himalayan cats arrived after a Persian bred with a Siamese. The Himalayan, when bred as a purebred can receive the CFA (cat fanciers association) purebred certificate. The CFA certificate from their association would be typed as a purebred would read...Seal Point then Persian/Himalayan. Very interesting. However, if I'm correct your kittens fur will be whiter with a small amount of ringlets on their front paws. This kitten also has tuffs of fur coming out of their ears, which is also a sign of Himalayans. Himmies also have pink pads to their paws and as it gets older, fur will grow between the pads, just like on the ears. Either way it looks like a great kitten..enjoy!

Nov 14, 2017
Guess on breed.
by: Anonymous

Thank you all for you responses. It’s appreciated.

Nov 10, 2017
Pointed kitten
by: Elic

Since she is a rescue and not a purebred cat, most likely she won't have the "normal" breed problems that would be there with one. That doesn't mean that she won't have other problems. I have a dilute tortie point rescue, she was found at 3 weeks old, nearly starved. She has problems because of her malnutrition as a kitten, but none of the other problems most pointed cats might have.

My suggestion is to not worry about Siamese, Ragdoll or other purebred health problems. Her coloring just means that at some point in her parents' background they had some kind of pointed cat that she got the lucky roll of the dice and came out pointed.

And you got lucky to have a beautiful, loving girl to enjoy for years to come.

Nov 10, 2017
12 week old kitten
by: Anonymous

She looks like a rag doll mix. She is beautiful and I love her tail. Very sad about her mother.

Nov 10, 2017
Could be this breed
by: Tricia

Your kitty looks exactly like our Siberian’s. They are a beautiful breed, thick coat, hyperallergenic, strong, intelligent and considered very dog-like. They love to be the center of attention, greet strangers and visitors to the house, not at all shy. Poor baby, glad you saved him.

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