Is it okay if my Siamese-calico mix cat is 13 lbs?

by Peyton
(Athens, GA, USA)

Is it okay if my Siamese-calico mix cat (who was pregnant about 3 years ago but got fixed a few months after the single kitten was born) is 13 lbs? She eats Kit and Kaboodle but I just leave it out since we have 9 other cats.

All of the cats are taken care of well but I worry about her lack of self-control. She looks like a pregnant cat but she can’t be pregnant because it’s been 3 years since she was fixed.

She also gets annoyed when she gets hungry. I don’t know how much to feed her if I do need to diet her or how often I should feed her. Also is it normal for her nipples to be pink if she has been pregnant before?

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Jun 23, 2021
She looks heavy
by: Will Pratt

Some cats can pull off 13 pounds or even 20 if they have the right frame, but she looks heavy. Work with your vet on getting her slimmed down with a combination of exercise and diet. It sounds like it will be hard with so many other cats, but you'll find a way I'm sure. Check with your vet on the nipples. If they're red and inflamed, that's a potential problem.

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