Is it normal for a kitten to play with her toys RIGHT NEXT to me?

by Karoliina

My kitten wants to bring her toys to me and play with them next to me. If the toy is out of her reach and too far from me, she won't even chase it.

But if she does chase, she will just bring it next to me and start playing with it (claws out and all). Is this normal??? And how do I encourage her to play with her toys elsewhere?

She is only 11 weeks and I always go "ouch!!" when she ends up scratching or biting me in any situation. I don't want to negatively reinforce anything with her if possible. Positive reinforcement is preferred.

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Cute Kittens
by: Cute Kittens

It sounds like your kitten loves being close to you while she plays! It's normal for young cats to seek your company. To encourage her to play with her toys elsewhere, try placing the toys a bit farther away and gently redirecting her when she brings them back to you. You can also use treats or interactive play to reward her when she explores and plays on her own. Keep using positive reinforcement, and she'll learn to enjoy her toys in different spots! Visit the website PETZLOVER To find your perfect kitty.

She’s Counting On You
by: Kirsten

Sounds like you have one kitten. She sees you as her source of comfort and food, like her Mom. A mom cat teaches her babies to hunt and play by providing "toys" and demonstrating skills. She also rewards with comfort, grooming and feeding. Your kitten doesn’t just want but needs you to play with her. She may be a bit shy or just wants more of your attention. Like any baby, kittens need almost constant attention, care and love. Make sure to play with her several times a day. As she gets older 2 or 3 play sessions of 15 or 20 minutes a day.
Give your kitty what she needs and be rewarded with a lifetime of affection, comfort, companionship and, often, great entertainment!

That sounds normal to me
by: Sally F.

Your kitten probably feels secure when close to you, which is a good sign. You might try setting up a pen area for her to play in, or keep encouraging her to play fetch by throwing a toy. She might catch on after a while.

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