I think this is a Seal Point Snowshoe kitten
by Jesse
(Lexington, Kentucky)
He's very affectionately and playful. I adopted him 2 weeks ago from the shelter.
I'm posting because I was wondering if his dark feet means he is not a snow shoe? That is just what the papers I got from the shelter say.
Editor's note: Thank you for adopting!
I'll give you my thoughts...
The only way to determine breed for sure is to have paperwork from a breeder. That is, of course, not possible here.
Snowshoes have an inverted white "V" on their faces which gives them a more pronounced mask. As you've pointed out, they also have white feet.
So, he doesn't meet that criteria (although I can't say that he doesn't have Snowshoe blood). I'd say he looks more like a Tonkinese.
But... it also looks like he's got longer-than-short hair, though, so I'm thinking Balinese (essentially a longhair Siamese but recognized as a separate breed) or Ragdoll might be in there somewhere.
Whatever he is, he's a cutie!