How to safely allow indoor cat on balcony?

by Anonymous

My 10-month-old kitty is an indoor cat and has supervised chances to lay in the sun on the balcony (first floor). I'd like for him to be able to relax out there all the time, but it is unsafe.

The wall is about 1.2 meters tall and according to my lease agreement I cannot put up any structure that "encloses the space," so netting or screening it off isn't an option.

I've spent hours thinking of another solution, but I'd like to hear if anyone else has some creative way for Floki to be safe and come and go as he pleases. Otherwise I'll just continue with the supervised balcony time.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

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Kitty likes the sun
by: Ellyb

I did see that Amazon has a MSR Outdoor Cat tunnel can be collapsed so you can use it inside or outside. It's only $17.99 and gives cats about 5 feet of space.It also has pockets where you can add sand to weight it down.

There are also Catios that can be bought and placed on your patio. They are enclosed so other animals can't get to your cat. Check out Pinterest for ideas from creative cat lovers. I'm always amazed at what people design and make for their pets.


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