How to protect cat against dog attack?

by Michael Osborne
(Cape Town)

Is a spiked collar a good way to protect my beloved Mystic Birman against a dog attack (Weimaraner in neighborhood)?

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I would not use a spiked collar
by: Kurt (Admin)

I would never put a spiked collar on a cat (or any other animal). I also highly doubt it would protect your cat from an aggressive dog.

In fact, the only way to assure protection for the cat, as others have alluded to, is to keep the dog away from the cat.

The only kind of collar I would put on a cat is a breakaway collar so the cat doesn't get tangled up and trapped. Which, by the way, would make it easy prey for other predators, including aggressive dogs.

Absolutely NOT!!!
by: Michelle

Unless you can construct a well-built "catio" that is enclosed on all sides as well as the top, the only way you can protect your cat is to keep him/her indoors. Cats that go outdoors have a multitude of hazards to deal with, and most of them have very short life spans. Do your cat a favor and keep him indoors!

protect cat from dogs
by: Anonymous


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