How to keep my cat happiest?

by Jay farhaad

Hi guys. I hope to see as many responses as there could be. How to keep my cat happiest? She is very sad, please help.

I took in a stray cat after she found my home one stormy night. She refused to leave. I gave her food and love. She used to go out for an hour and then come back to sleep with me on my bed and just won't leave. Sometimes she wouldn't leave for weeks. She was with me for 1 year going in and out at her own wish.

Then I had to shift to a new home in a new town for work, so I had to leave her as that area was her home. One day after 3 months, I got a call that my cat was sick and passed out at my neighbor's doorstep so they called me.

I drove for 8 hours to meet her. She was in bad shape with all the fleas and ticks. She had a fever.

I took her with me to my apartment. She's been with me indoors for 2 months in this city but now I think she's bored. She's crying, howling at night to go out but since it's a new place, I'm afraid she won't be able to remember this home if I let her out.

I'm not home for 8-12 hours because of work and I don't know how to keep her happy. Please help! I bought toys for her but she isn't playing since she's an adult stray cat. She isn't used to all of this.

Please please help. What do I do? I don't want to lose her. I cannot afford to see her sick with fever again. I want my cat to be happy.

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Sad Cat
by: Anonymous

Get a kitten for her. They get lonely and female cats need to mother. She might be cautious at first but she won't be able to stay away from a kitten, It helped one of my cats she was so sad I got two kittens. Within 2 days she was the mother and so busy. I had the set of three for over 16 years.I miss them very much.

Is she spayed?
by: Michael

Is she spayed? If not, have her spayed and that should calm her down a little with the wanting to go out. To get her to play with toys, try catnip, and play with her yourself. Play hide-and-seek with her, throw her toys so she can chase them, etc. Can you get a her a cat tree? That may help.

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