How much can I do for a neighbor's neglected cat?

by Denise

There is a kitten/cat, a calico, who roams the neighborhood. I thought she was a stray because she was hiding under my deck for two weeks and I tried to find the owner with no luck.

It was a very cold spell and I luckily have a couple of heated houses on my back deck just in case, so she stayed in one of them. Finally, a neighbor a couple of houses down sent me a message through Facebook messenger that she saw her cat on my deck.

In talking to this young girl (probably 20's), she had five cats that she let roam. She now has two left. None of them had been fixed and this calico is no different according to the girl.

She works odd hours and if her cats don't come home to eat when she is home, she does not leave food out. Specifically, she leaves the calico out day and night in the cold weather with no protection from the elements and it may not get fed.

I tried talking to her about getting her fixed and I would help her with the cost. She said that she was going to talk to a vet about it but I have not heard anything further and I know the calico is not spayed.

She also mentioned that this cat does not use the litter box so that's why she leaves it out. I don't know if she took it to a vet to be checked for her litter box issues.

The calico has been coming over to my deck and yard even though I had not been feeding her. I would like to keep this cat to give it a better situation but I don't want to just take her. I see this calico running around the streets and I'm afraid she is going to get hit.

Is there anything I can do to help this cat or should I just leave it alone and whatever happens, happens, and I might find a dead cat or a litter of kittens under my deck?

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Neglected cats
by: Randy

She obviously doesn't care about the cats. I would take both of them (against the law or not) and stash them inside my house/garage/basement/whatever. I doubt she will care or even miss them. Look for good homes or keep them.

Get them spayed/ neutered
by: Anonymous

Your neighbor is what they call an irresponsible pet owner. If you are willing to pay take all of them to be neutered and or spayed. Otherwise you (not her) will have a bigger and more expensive problem in the not too distant future. If you can’t do this then take them to a no-kill shelter or find them good homes. Your neighbor will never know the difference, nor care.

Neglected Kitty
by: Matt

Do what's right and take care of the kitty. Your neighbor is completely self involved and just doesn't care. It's doubtful she would even notice. Standing by and doing nothing is not a good option.

Take the cat
by: Sally F.

I would tell the young lady that you're going to start taking care of the cat and see what happens. If she says no, then you can back off. If she says nothing or yes, you can move forward and help this cat.

Where I live, roaming cats get picked up by animal control (if they have enough staff, that is). So I would just go for it.

How is this a question?
by: Lorraine

God commanded us to be the stewards of the earth and all the inhabitants therein.

My neighbor kicked her cat out of the house. I already had been caring for ferals so naturally, he came to me. I provide food, shelter and Vet care to all.

I have done TNR at a neighbors house that has a colony of cats as well.

Let your conscience be your guide.

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