How do our cats tell us apart?

by Mikki
(Knoxville, TN)

Our two cats sleep in another room of the house which is down a hallway, and yet when I have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom they get up, come down the hallway and go straight to the restroom where I am. Yet if my husband gets up, they never move from their beds.

We don’t speak when we get up so they can’t use our voices as a clue as to who’s gotten up. How do they know the difference between who’s going to the restroom in the middle of the night?

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Probably by the way you move
by: Kurt (Admin)

I'd start by asking the question... how do they know either of you have gotten up? Likely by sound first, and then possibly smell.

To survive in the wild, cats need to be good at detecting what's going on in the environment.

Everyone moves and breathes a little differently and makes different sounds when they do.

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