How do I stop my cat from spraying?

by Judy Kolander
(Sioux Falls SD)

Most areas are where previous owner's cats peed. He gets verbal before he sprays. We will let him outside if he chooses but it does not stop him. Sometimes he'll come in and still sprays. We have a fenced in back yard and seldom have other cats jump the fence. My vet says it is all in his head.

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Treat the areas
by: Jon Swift

Cats will most definitely pee where other cats have peed. You have to treat those areas so that all traces of urine from the other cats are gone. Keep in mind that urine spreads and gravity is a thing.

Carpet -- Urine seeps into the carpet padding and that area under the padding can be quite a bit larger than the original urine area on top. You have to soak it with cleaner or use steam.

Wood -- Wood flooring allows the urine to get under the planks. Again, you have to soak it or use steam.

Tile -- With tile, usually only the grout absorbs it, so treat the grout, maybe consider steam cleaning it.

To summarize, use enzyme based cleaners (maybe try that Pooph stuff) and steam cleaning. And get some Feliway to help calm him. Good Luck!

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