Halo was a Russian Blue mix rescue. This kitty owned one of our visitors, but sadly passed away. He was a beauty (aren't they all?).
Halo's cat guardian, Anthony Ricci, asked me to share some pictures of this gray beauty with other cat lovers. I've shared a couple of the photos here and there, but I thought I'd put them together.
Halo developed urinary tract problems, which is serious business, especially in the case of male cats, where blockage can be fatal.
Even though this kitty is at Rainbow Bridge, we can still celebrate his life and enjoy his beauty. I've tried to figure out what I could learn from Halo, so on to the pictures...
If the accommodations are good, take full advantage (clearly, the accommodations were satisfactory)...
Halo took time to play and lounge (shouldn't we all?)...
Accessorize to make an impression...
Of course we should never forget that a stretch and roll along with a good belly scratch can solve a world of problems....
I never had the pleasure of meeting Halo. It's sad that Halo is gone, but I'm hoping that his lasting impact is that there are plenty of fantastic cat companions that can be found through purebred rescues.
Many people don't even know this adoption option exists. Please consider adopting your next Maine Coon, or Siamese, or Russian Blue or... whatever breed you're interested in through a rescue.
If you'd help me spread the word about this by sharing this page, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you!
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