Gave cats too much antibiotic

by Samantha

Soooo I have a question I made a boo boo!! My cats are both on antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection and are both towards the end of their meds. TJ and I both gave them their meds tonight a few hours in between because we didn’t communicate very well about their meds.

Are they going to be okay? I just feel silly calling the vet's emergency line to ask but I’m scared they're going to get violently ill or google said they can overdose and I’m kinda freaking out.

They both take Clavamox! Morpheus is anywhere between 3-5 years old he takes 3/4 of a 62.5 mg pill.

Ollie who is only 5 months old is taking 0.6 ml of liquid.

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Please call the vet
by: Kurt (Admin)

Please call the vet and explain the situation. Only your vet can answer a question like this.

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