Fluffy is a 10 month old Siberian kitten. She is a very dog like cat, she is playing fetch. Her nails are very sharp, as you can see on the picture. She loves playing.
Beautiful cat. But please make sure her claws don't get to long. When folded in may go into the pads.
Mar 02, 2011 Rating
Thanks for sharing! by: Kurt (Admin)
Thanks for sharing that picture of Fluffy, Melinda. Wow, she really does have some monster kitty claws!
Siberians are relatively hard to find in the US and I believe they are not widely known. They don't seem to get a lot of publicity, with the exception of radio host Steve LeVeille's cat Max, who was featured on the Cats 101 TV show with respect to the claim that the breed is "hypoallergenic."
They're gorgeous cats with amazing coats, and I see Fluffy is no exception!
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
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