Flea and tick prevention monthly?

by Conor

My new cat was given Revolution for flea prevention a month before I adopted her, but the shelter form says that she needs it again in a month. Why would she need flea and tick prevention again so soon, if she just got it last year? Is revolution a multi-dose formula or something?

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Jul 26, 2021
Flea Control
by: Carl

I use Revolution for my cat, but unless you live in wooded areas, have high grass, bushes around your property, your cat is an outdoor cat, it's not necessary to use this product monthly. When I first started using Revolution for my cat, I was doing the monthly thing. My cat goes out to make the bathroom call, sit on a stump in the backyard on bird patrol, but basically, he's in the house most of the time. My vet says I don't have to use it like I was doing so I treat him every two months. When he comes indoors I comb him (you should too if he goes outside and before you let him back in). I have carpet so I vacuum often, been doing this for 4 years with no flea problems. So it's not going to hurt by skipping a treatment. I hope this helps you.

Jul 18, 2021
Revolution is given monthly
by: Sally F.

Some flea prevention products for cats are designed to be given monthly, like Revolution, and some are not. Bravecto, for example, is a topical solution but is given every 3 months. The selling point is that some cats are not easy to administer topical medication to, so doing it 4 times a year is more desirable than 12 times a year.

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