Feral male cat hiding inside apartment

by Robin
(New Bern, NC)

I have a feral male cat that ran in my apartment. He is hiding behind something. He meows, hisses, and growls.

I'm not sure if he is hurt. I left the doors open, but he has not budged all night and now day.

I'm not sure how to help him back outside?

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A trap and stinky food
by: Kurt (Admin)

Poor little guy. I would think someone from Animal Control would have the skills to catch him, or you could try contacting a local rescue, shelter or TNR group to see if they can help.

Other than that, a couple of things I would try:

1. Use stinky food, like a can of cat food, or a can of tuna or sardines to lure him out of his hiding spot. With the front door open, get near where the cat is and open the can. Move toward the door and set the can down near the door.

He may not come out, however, if there is anyone else in the house. You may need to go outside and wait for him to come out.

If he's injured, he may stay put, and you'll probably need some help.

2. Use the stinky food idea along with a trap. If you can get a trap from a neighbor, a veterinarian, or a local shelter or rescue, you can put the stinky food inside the trap and set it down near him.

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