Feeding of feral or stray cats and keeping separated

by Lisa L.

Started feeding a possible TNR, cold winters here, provided shelter and feed/water daily. Tipped ear.

Another cat that has been around for a couple of years has been seen more recently. Began feeding the black one. No ear tipped. This cat is fed on the front porch, always wanting to eat the other kitty’s food. She, the tipped ear, growls when the black cat gets near. The black cat wants to sniff tipped ear kitty, and she gets very upset. What to do? Thank you,
Lisa L.

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A challenge
by: Ray Vensimone

Hard to keep them separated when they're loose like that. Is there an enclosed area where you could feed one of them? That would keep them separate. Does the TNR kitty have a colony? Maybe you could find the colony and feed there. Like door dash for feral cats. It's a challenge for sure. I wish I had better ideas. Good luck!

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