Featured Kitties for May, 2015

Say meow to the featured cats for May, 2015. These pictures were all contributed by visitors who want to show off their babies. Enjoy and show them some love!

Big Bro and Little Bro

Leo on the left and Hugo on the right.

~Sofia Simon

Leo and Hugo

Abbie the Brave

This is Abbie. She is about 2-3 years old. We just adopted her in August. Actually, she adopted is.

The adoption agency said she doesn't interact with people and she won't play with others. She came right to us and was playing and interacting with us. When we went to leave she tried following us out the door. We knew then we were going to adopt her even though we were not looking for another cat.

She has shorter than normal legs (but longer than dwarf cat's legs) and a short crooked/kinked tail. She is very skittish but is finally coming out of her shell with us.

When we first got her, she hid in our room under our bed. She slowly started coming out in the hallway. In the last 2 weeks she started coming all the way out into the living room.

~Sonda Marshall

Abbie the tabby

The Snooze Pose

How my Jack sleeps. :)

~João Diogo Silva

Jack the tabby

Jack and Edgar

My fur babies. Jack is orange and the Siamese in the sink is Edgar. :)

~Steph Workman

Jack and Edgar

Cake and Ty

Cake the lovable

Cake (above) is very playful and loves to be loved on. Her different colored eyes makes her unique. She sleeps with you or on you at night.

I got Ty (below) from a girl at a garage sale. He was really boney when I first got him and now he has meat on his bones.

~Trinity Rhodes

Ty the orange

This Belly Won't Scratch Itself

This is Marsha: Feisty, tough, runs the house yet super sweet and cuddly all rolled into one!

~Melissa Maynes

Marsha the tabby

Double Mia

Mia as a kitten

Little Mia (above).

Mia is almost an adult now (below). She is very sweet and a bit shy.

~Alejandro Fernandez Allende

Mia as an adult

Mustache Strikes a Pose

My Mustache!

~Chelsey Kay Lizakowski


I Wanna Hold Your Hand

My Meow.

~Casey Marie



This is Bit Bit nursing abandoned kittens. Now some of them even growl like a dog.

~Suzanne Bogdala Hash‎

Dog nursing kittens

Tippy the Tabby

~Nickole Simmons‎

Tippy the tabby

Niki the Awkward Sleeper

Here's my cat, Niki. Caught him sleeping this way.

~Meldy de Asis

Niki the orange tabby

I'm Watching You


~Kim Quinton Wisk‎


Baby Blue Eyes

My baby Margaux.

~Yesh Gonzales


This is My Snuggle Toy

Skipper, the baby of the house.

~Jayden Spears



This is an abandoned baby found in our hedge, we are hand rearing him and his sister.

~Rachel Jane Wood‎

Kitten in a sock

Bubby and Baby

I'm so excited! My granddaughter, who is only 5 months old, met the neighbor's cat and it seemed as though they had an instant connection.

When the baby was placed next to Bubba kitty they were both so calm and gentle with one another. When she leaned down to kiss him the kitty rolled over on his back and gave her kisses on her cheek. It was simply beautiful.

~Michelle Bordeaux

Bubby kitty and baby

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