I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Your special furbaby has gone home and will no longer be in pain or misery!
We lost a beautiful male of about 6 yrs. due to crystals in his urine which had turned into a large ball-shape which he couldn't pass. We had looked into surgery to have it removed, but the Vet told us that it would just happen again and we didn't want him to suffer with this condition any longer, so we had him put to sleep.
Cancer for any animal or person is horrid! As of today I just lost one of my Sisters due to breast cancer and complications.
God be with you and bless you and keep you in His loving arms for your comfort.
Sep 02, 2016
dobby by: Anonymous
forever in your heart
Sep 01, 2016
I'm so sorry by: Anonymous
So young, I'm so sorry to hear you lose this beautiful baby this way.
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
At Purradox Sphynxery, our vision and mission reflect our passion for raising exceptional Sphynx cats and creating lasting connections with loving families.
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