Dinner Time for Arthur

by Lorraine Fear
(Liverpool England)

This my beautiful cat Arthur Onions waiting for his dinner. As you can see, he is gorgeous.

Arthur was a gift from my boyfriend and was presented to me when he was 8 weeks old. He is now 4.

He is very affectionate, loving, playful and gives you and expects lots of cuddles and kisses (he is also very vocal and lets you know he is there).

He is almost dog like in his behavior and waits for you in the windows and runs to you when you come up the path. I love him lots and wanted to show him off to you all. xxxx

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Thanks for your comments re:arthur xx
by: lorraine

Thanks all, I love all ur comments and yes I agree when people say cats aren't sweet or loving haven't met our gorgeous cats. Love Lorraine and Arthur Onions xxx

I have an identical cat named Chester!
by: Anonymous

I have a cat named Chester, he looks almost identical to Arthur. He's five years old and is a little on the wild side also. I could send you a pic if you'd like, however I'm unable to attach right now.

Editor's note: You should be able to post on the invitation page, or you can post it to the Facebook page.

by: Anonymous

What a sweet happy boy.

by: Maria Kujawa RN

Short & sweet, the story made my day!! My female Tabby "Gypsy" resembled Arthur a lot. I adored her... & all cats alike!! My Fiona & Pandora are vocal too & act like dogs... since we talk to them a lot & spoil them with love & everything... yay!

I hate hearing the Myth... "cats are all alike" OR "cats don't have personalities." They are all SO unique & have amazing personalities"!! They are so fun & interesting at the same time! I LOVE ALL CATS!!! <3

Cat "Dog"
by: Bonnie Brien

Sounds like my cat Scooter--she fetches too!

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