
I got Chazzy from the humane society 16 years ago and during that time he meowed non stop. He ended up having liver failure and I had to put him down 2 days ago. I am having a hard time walking into my house and hearing silence. I do have another cat but not one like Chazz. He sat on my legs every day before work and every night after work. I have no children so he was my kid. I miss him terribly and I miss the meows.

Comments for Chazzy

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Jul 15, 2010
Blessings for Chazzy and You
by: Jan

I can TRULY sympathize, as I just had to let my Spooky girl go to Heaven on June 23, 2010 at age 17 years. I'd had her since 5 weeks old. Thought you might like to read the poem I wrote for her in the Cat Quotes section. Actually, my Spooky is ALL OVER this website. It helps SO MUCH to share her life with others. The only regret I have is not having more pictures of her. I bet you wish you had recorded Chazzy's meows !! But, I know he whispers them sweetly in your ear.

May 16, 2010
by: Louise

I can sympathize with you there. I had a cat that was run over by a car. Then I had to give two other cats up when I moved to an apartment. Near broke my heart it did. So I know how you feel.

May 16, 2010
I'm sorry
by: Tubshtecat

I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty. I hope one day you'll find the peace you found when Chazzy was with you. I will keep you in my thoughts

Kristy (Tubs mommy)

May 16, 2010
I'm very sorry
by: Kurt (Admin)

I'm very sorry to hear about Chazzy.

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