Cats not getting along

by Michael
(Brentwood Ca.)

We have 2 siblings, male and female, they have been very close until we took the male to the vet for shots and shaving (fur was very matted). Brought him home and his sister attacked him like he was a stranger. 4 days later it's still going on, what's happening?

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This happens
by: Billy the Rat Catcher

Sometimes when cats are separated for a while and one comes back "different" -- often smelling different, the other cat kind of forgets about their relationship and treats the cat as a threat.

Keep them separated and reintroduce them. While they are separated, use a rag and wipe her down to get her scent on it. Then wipe him down with the same rag. Then wipe her down to get his scent on her. Keep doing this back and forth many times.

Then, slowly reintroduce them.

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