Cat Name: Sophia from Mesa
by Brittany
(Mesa, AZ USA)
My husband and I got Sophia when she was only 2 weeks old. She could barely walk and we were watching The Walking Dead and the little girl becomes a zombie so we decided to name her after the girl.
Editor's note: Thank you, Brittany, for adding to our list of names. And a big thank you for taking in such a young cat and caring for her. That must have been a lot of work!
According to
Behind the Name, Sophia is of Greek origin and means wisdom.
There are many variants, including Sofia, Sophie, and Zofia. Quite a few famous people in history have been named Sophia or some variant of the name.
These include European royalty of times past, and in recent history, a number of actresses. Since many cat owners like to name their cats after famous people, I've listed a few here for inspiration:
Sophia Bush from
One Tree Hill and of course, the iconic movie actress Sophia Loren.
Sofia Coppola, the award winning director and actress. Sofia Milos, from
CSI: Miami.Sophie Tweed Simmons, famous daughter of Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed.
James Bond girl Sophie Marceau, and English born Australian singer and actress, Sophie Monk.

Sophia the Martyr with her three
daughters: Faith, Hope and Charity

Inside the Hagia Sophia, former cathedral
and mosque, in Istanbul, Turkey
Photo credits:
Sophia the Martyr and
Hagia Sophia /
CC by 3.0