Cat Name FishFace
by Lorri
FishFace, nicknamed Fishy (full name - because every cat is royalty and needs a big ol' pedigree name - Angel Fish Monster Face the First, Championship Mouser, World Class Lizard Slayer) was a beautiful tuxedo cat. A homeless kitty in my apartment complex, he cruised around after lizards and climbed trees after birds.
I'd shoo'd him away when he stalked birds because I didn't want to see any carnage. He kept coming back. Once he came back with "war wounds" and I spent $200 in Vet bills having an abscess lanced and his leg sewn up, I told him "I spend $200 on ANYthing, it's mine."
I kept him inside while he healed - E-collar and all - and he got used to me. I fell in love. That little black and white face with the crooked mustache just melted my heart. A friend tossed the name out as a joke and it just stuck. Fish, FishMonster, Fish Fish turned into many names.
My beloved FishFace went to the Rainbow Bridge at age 6 due to Congenital Heart failure, Feline Leukemia and Chylothorax. But he'll never be forgotten!