Cat mothering things after emergency spay

by Rebekah
(Clover, S.C.)

My Persian cat had an emergency spay done last week, when the vet found the calcifying remains of ONE embryo!

Ever since her emergency spay surgery, Josaphine is trying to mother things and is talking to anything that sounds remotely like a kitten.

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Mar 28, 2018
Love her More!!!
by: Jolie66

She is probably "mourning" the passing of her baby. It's kind of like when a human has to have a hysterectomy from an ectopic pregnancy. I'm no expert, but that's what it sounds like to me. You can switch things up by making her YOUR baby. I hope that works.

Mar 27, 2018
Give her love and time
by: Jim W.

I'm sorry to hear your cat had to have an emergency spay. She's probably going to be out of sorts for a while while she recovers. I would give her lots of love (but space if she needs it) and some time to recover.

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