Cat is scratching to the point of bleeding! Help!

by Anna



We have 2 3 year old cats and they have been together since they were kittens. Ever since one was a kitten, every April/May, she starts scratching her neck to the point where it eventually becomes a sore and bleeds.

The first 2 years we managed the issue by putting bandages around her neck to stop her scratching and making it bleed. This year the sore is a bit higher up and we can’t bandage it.

For 10 months now she has been wearing a cone. She manages to take it off though and she then starts it all over again. She’s now managing to get round the cone and has started scratching her ear. Always her left side?

She’s been to the vet's a couple of times. Had allergy testing and a check up but they have no idea and only suggest a cone until it heals. It’s not fair on her. Please does anyone have any ideas what we can do?? Thanks.

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Sorry to hear about this
by: Not Toucan Sam

If you've ruled out fleas or another bug or parasite of some kind, it would have to be allergies. The "every April/May" part of your description makes it feel as though we're talking about an environmental allergy of some kind, like a blooming plant.

I would not rule out food allergies, though (which require a specific kind of allergy testing where you remove all previously fed foods and feed your cat a protein source your cat has never had before).

Some cats are allergic to plastics. Reduce or eliminate contact with plastics, including any plastic food bowls.

Does your cat wear a collar of any kind?

What about topical medications?

Does anything change in April/May? Some cats go outside but not in the winter when it's cold. If that is the case, it may be something outside your cat is getting into.

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