Cat eating only chicken?

by Lamberti

My friend has a kitten (about six months old) and she insists on feeding her boiled chicken as her only food source. I have tried to explain that this is not a stable diet, and the kitten is starting to have side effects from it I think.

She has labored breathing, white gums, she’s tired all the time, lethargic, and has a very hard stomach. She is also very very small for her age, she never had the pudgy stage and is very skinny and small now. She weighs about 3-5 pounds.

I have suggested appetite stimulants and “starving” her out. By that I mean only offering dry food or wet food for about three days, and no chicken. She thinks that this is torture, and not giving her chicken for three days will kill her.

I am very worried for the health of this kitten, what should I do? Her owner is very stubborn about this, and believes she is doing the right thing.

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Show her the info
by: Cat Lover Mike

Can you print out some information (or show her on your phone/tablet/laptop/her computer) that proves your case? There has been a lot written about nutrition in cats and what is an appropriate diet. That may help. Other than catnapping the kitten and saving it yourself, that's all I can think of. Where I am, animal control won't do anything about these kinds of situations and the police are useless too.

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