I know what u mean. I still call for Little Bit all the time. I used to say Where's my little cutie pie? He'd come running, wanting hugs and kisses. He doesn't come anymore, the empty space tells me he's gone and will never come again. U gave Casper a great life, hang on to the memories.
Dec 15, 2014
I am sorry for your loss by: Mary Ann
Pets, of any variety, become part of our lives, and part of our hearts. Losing them hurts, sometimes longer than we think it should. Just know that the love you have for Casper helps make the world a better place. I truly believe when we leave here for what-comes-after, the ones we lost are waiting for us, including the humans too.
Nov 21, 2014
Casper by: luna
You will always miss him especially the day he crossed over; I do mine. Loving thoughts sent.
Nov 21, 2014
Loss of pets by: Judy
My cat disappeared for 11 days recently but came back home and I was actually surprised at myself how much I grieved! I am 70 and have owned many pets--outlived them all! But have you heard about the Rainbow Bridge? It's a lovely tale that there is a special bridge where all our pets will meet us and we will all travel to Heaven together! Don't know if it's true but what a wonderful thought! We give them a great life while they are with us and then we love them enough to miss them and grieve for them when they are gone. Maybe we really will see them again some day!
Nov 21, 2014
Cat by: Anonymous
I know how you feel I lost my cat that I had for 13 years in 2013. I still think about her a lot. I miss her very much. I know she is in a better place. Her name was Puffy.
Nov 18, 2014
Casper by: Mary Caydler
Sorry for your loss, I know how you feel. I have lost many a pet. They are family. Think of this, tho. He is in a better place, no pain, no hunger, no worry about being cold or too hot. You were good to him. God bless you and home as time goes by your hurt will heal. Sincerely, Mary Caydler (A profound animal lover) All mine were homeless
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
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