Can adult cats become sick if they eat kitten food?
by Julia Prokipcak
(Ottawa, ON, Canada)
Almost two months ago, we got a new kitten and for the first while, since she was adjusting, she stayed in my bedroom at all times. After the first few weeks, we let her out to play with the other cats, and eventually started to feed her with them.
After a while she became interested in the adult food and the adult cats were then able to steal her kitten food instead. Fast forward about a week and one of the adult cats threw up and had a very liquidy poop outside of the litter box.
A few days later the second adult cat has been coughing and trying to throw up but shes been unable. I got her hairball medicine so she would be able to throw up so now she has three times, as well as had her own liquid poop (on my bed...)
I was wondering if the kitten food could have caused this? And if so can I switch the kitten to adult food fully? The kitten is 4 months old.