Bringing 4 month old kitties into a new home

by Deb
(Seattle, Wa.)

My 5 month old kitten brother's are being flown from Santa Ana to Seattle next week. They have fostered for 3 months after being found in a wood shed. The foster mom is telling me we have to sequester the kitties for 3-4 days and thinks she should be with them.

I'm thinking that if I adopted kitties at a shelter, I'd bring them into our home and let them get used to us and our house on their own. Friend is almost giving us too many rules and directions, and they're not even here yet.

The cats have been socialized and are happy and care free (videos). I'm not really excited about having to leave them alone in a room... what good does that do?

I want them to get to know us and I'm afraid if friend is "their mother" at my house, they'll have a difficult time understanding why she's gone and feel like they've been abandoned. Please help!!

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You do you
by: James Buchanon

I would do things the way I felt they should be done. I would not like it if someone else tried to make rules for my house or my cats.

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