There is nothing more fun than watching a kitten play. Botje has gorgeous markings. Love to see a photo/video of her when she's full grown. She will be a beautiful cat in a few months. We have a Snowshoe and have taught him (with snacks) to "sit up pretty", "play dead" and "roll over." Cat's are truly amazing!!!
kitty by: Anonymous
These are lovely videos of your cat.
Wow by: Anne
Gorgeous kitty -- and you are quite the photographer! I subscribed. Keep up the good work!
Botje by: Anonymous
What a sweet baby; nothing is as entertaining than kitties playing. We laugh at ours daily.
To Anonymous :) by: Botje
Thanks for your comment. I will be making more but it will take some time.
Please subscribe to receive updates on new videos. And share if you like :)
Thank you!
What beautiful videos! You must keep on making them - we would like to see more!!!
To Odile by: Anonymous
Thank you for your nice comment. You are the first comment I receive! :)
Botje is now 8 months old and I am about to make a new series. Being full time employed this will take some time though. Please subscribe if you are interested in updates on new videos.
Thanks again!
Botje the Cat by: Odile
What a pretty little cat - wonderful markings! You coordinated it beautifully with the music. I DID enjoy watching - thank you. :)
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
At Purradox Sphynxery, our vision and mission reflect our passion for raising exceptional Sphynx cats and creating lasting connections with loving families.
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