What a beauty she is. So glad she got rescued. Mine was rescued. I think it's great when people rescue animals. Those are the best kind I think.
rescued by: Cheryl A.Baird
I am so glad you were all rescued. Mine are all or were rescued.
Bibber by: AAF
I hope he has a good life. He is very sweet. Bless you Bibber.
So Happy for You by: Jane
Bibber, I am so happy that you have been rescued. You are such a beautiful kitty! Now you have a loving family who will love and take care of you forever.
Hey Bibber by: Anonymous
So happy that you were rescued. Your colors are beautiful. U look just like my Calico Pumpkin that I lost in October... May she RIP. She was 12 yrs old..:-)
Rescued!!! by: Rosanne
Hi Bibber - You're a very beautiful Cat!!! I'm so glad you were rescued. I wish you a very Happy & Healthy Life. You're one of the lucky ones!! xoxoxo
Rescued!!! by: Anonymous
Hi Bibber!! I'm so glad you were rescued!!! You are such a pretty cat!! Love your coloring. Wishing you a long Happy and Loving Life!!!! xoxoxo
Rescue story by: linda k.
Every time I see a wonderful rescue story it really warm's my heart, knowing an animal will have their furever home. <3
comment on Bibber by: kt jonas
Was surprised to see his name::: BIBBER, I think it's a Dutch name as my aunt's name was Van Bibber before she married my uncle... thanks for naming him that... he is adorable and so loving looking... glad you are taking care of him.
Glad! by: David
Glad you were rescued!
Rescue by: Patty
So precious....all four of my cats have been rescued one way or another.
Makes me happy :-) by: Kimberly Pine
Precious little kitty!!! I love to see animals being rescued, it warms my heart! To see them happy and healthy makes me even happier! :-)
My kitten won't use the litter box. He's like around 4 months or four-and-a-half months old. I have a litter box for him but he never uses it? What's my
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