Best way to introduce 4-month-old kitten to two 5-year-old sisters?

by Paul Matthews
(Springdale, PA)

What's the best way to introduce a four-month-old rambunctious male Maine Coon kitten to two, five-year-old docile sisters (house cats)? The Maine Coon kitten plays very rough with his littermate brother and his father. Sometimes they have to be broken up from playing because it seems to be too rough. The father is beginning to just get out of the room when the two brothers play rough.

Is it likely that this boy will be too rough with my five-year-old sisters? They are closely bonded.

Editor's note: The best way to introduce two or more cats is through slow and controlled introductions. Not all cats appreciate a new kitten or cat coming into the house, but following this introduction process can help.

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introducing a new cat
by: Karen

First, I had a three month old kitten just wander into my place and she never left! I had (still have) two older males. They were quite close and just hissed at bit at the youngster. But she slept a lot in a little basket and didn't start bothering the Boys until a few weeks later. She still bugs them, a lot, and they rarely play with her but it's Ok cause she has me. And yeah, she plays a lot rougher than they do.
Second, I introduced one of the males about a year after the first one arrived. I kept the new guy in the carrier for two days and then just let him out. They have been buddies ever since.
I think personalities are really important. I knew the first male - who is a really big guy - would always get over any discomfort. He likes everyone and everything - maybe not the dog! So it was easy.

Kittens can be rough, but...
by: Sally F.

Kittens can play rough, but older cats can also hurt the kitten. Keep them separated at first and introduce them by smell (they should not see each other until the time is right). Slowly introduce them the right way and when they do start to interact, supervise them. Supervision and intervention, if needed, is key.

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