Are house cats allergic to small lizards?

by Kurt (Admin)

Lizard Stuck in Printer

Lizard Stuck in Printer

I have a cat, and live in South Florida. She loves to chase the little lizards that sneak into the house. I am not always home to save the little guys. Do you know if house cats are allergic to these little lizards? (Submitted by Eric via the contact form).

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Apr 14, 2010
I dunno!
by: Kurt (Admin)

The above question was submitted by Eric through the contact form, so I thought I'd post it so that all can benefit from the question and any answers we get.

I have not heard of a cat having an allergy to lizards. I did ask my veterinarian about them once, though, since Priscilla was a fantastic lizard hunter.

I wasn't thinking of allergies, and he did not mention that as a possible problem. What he did mention was that reptiles, including the small lizards in South Florida may carry liver flukes and salmonella.

Without a way to keep the cats away from the lizards, I just hoped for the best, and it's never been a problem. Except for the lizards of course.

About the pic: The picture is mine, and represents what can happen to lizards in a house with three cats. That picture is from several years ago after Priscilla was on one of her hunting runs on the screened in patio. The poor thing didn't really have a chance, and ended up getting stuck in the printer.

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