Aivilas Cat Food

by Michele
(Pittsburgh, Pa, USA)

One of my Siamese

One of my Siamese

I met the owner of this unheard of food last summer and started my cats on it. The constant vomiting has stopped and the coats on all the cats are amazing. I have also noticed that the cats (I have 6) have less shedding.

This food is made in Erie PA and is made in batches of only 100 bags at a time and all the ingredients are human grade. There is also a dog formula and again my dog has less shedding and her black coat is super shiny. Currently this product is available in organic and health food stores and better grocery outlets in Pa, and Ohio. If you want to check it out-go to

Diet was a constant concern for me since one of my Siamese developed crystals in her urine. I started researching ingredients and started including more wet food but also found the dry food was not made for the cat's health benefits but for our convenience. IT is fast food for cats and most dry food that can be purchased at a grocery store is really bad stuff.

I have found that even vets are not well versed in the food ingredients for cats. It is interesting but also frustrating that cat dry food formulas for urinary conditions are full of grain and usually it is corn. Cats cannot digest corn and is one of the worst ingredients. Perhaps it is cheap to use but is something I know is a problem for cats. The dry foods are too alkaline and that causes the formation of crystals in the urine and other problems.

Since changing my cats' diet to more wet food and I use brands like Fancy Feast, Wellness, Purina Pro Plan poultry and using the Aivilas dry product, my Siamese with the crystal issues has improved to the point of cutting her medication in half and I am hoping that we can eliminate the medication over time.

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Purina & nutrition should not be used together.
by: Anonymous

I'm unclear as to why you would even consider feeding your cat, Purina, or Fancy Feast. Claiming you know about feline nutrition, I would assume you know that Purina is garbage?

Thanks for the review!
by: Kurt (Admin)

Thanks so much, Michele, for adding that review! I'm glad to hear that your cats and your dog are doing so well on Aivilas. I had never heard of this company myself so I'm very glad you posted this.

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