4 month old male kitten pee and shake

by Anonymous

My Kitten (4 Months old, Male, British short hair) is peeing outside the box and while peeing he is meowing loudly (usually he don't meows at all) and after that he start to shake his whole body like he is cold (like a Vibration) und his mouth water start running.

I called the vet and they said that it's normal in his age and he is becoming an adult and suggested a castration.

I don't know if it's relevant, but he started 2 week's ago to stick his tongue out.

Do I have to be worried and go to the vet anyway?

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Jul 03, 2024
4 month old male kitten pee and shake
by: Anonymous

I have probably had and rescued at least 30 kittens during the past 40 years and I have never encountered that. He definitely needs to go the the vet. He could have a urinary tract infection, crystals or a number of things.

I would take him to a different vet than the one that told you it was normal.

I hope the poor baby is able to get the help he needs.

Jul 02, 2024
Never seen that combo
by: Billy the Rat Catcher

I've never seen that combination of things before and it doesn't sound normal. I would take the cat to the vet to get checked out.

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