20 year old cat urinating on counter top

by brenda
(Hartford, Al USA)

20 yr old female, spayed at age 1. Began urinating on kitchen counter top.

Using foil to deter her from getting up. What could cause her to start this?

My thoughts: I'm sorry to hear your cat is having problems. Wow, 20 years old is amazing!

This behavior can happen at any age, and is often triggered by a medical problem. Given her age, I think it's even more important to assume a medical problem is at the cause, until proven otherwise.

If she were my cat, I would call the veterinarian and see what they have to say. I hope that helps and hope she returns to normal quickly.

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Mar 31, 2017
20 yr old cat urinating
by: Anonymous


Mar 30, 2017
Poor old girl
by: Anonymous

As she is quite old, you should check out medical reasons first. UTI is common in geriatric cats and can cause frequent and sudden urges to urinate. An excellent supplement for this is D-Mannose powder dissolved in a little goats milk if she'll have it or else water or in her food on a daily basis as a preventative. Also there is a product UT Vibrance that is D-Mannose with berry extracts, which is excellent when they have a diagnosed infection.

Mar 29, 2017
by: Anonymous

My dear cat Albert at 21 started pooping in the chairs. It was dementia. He was confused, poor fellow.

Mar 29, 2017
Scat Mat to the rescue
by: Anonymous

Try putting a scat mat on the counter. You can purchase them at Amazon in all different sizes. Shock can be set at low-medium-hight. It's an excellent deterrent.
BUT first, you need to rule out any medical or emotional problems that may be causing the misbehavior.

Mar 29, 2017
Elderly Cat Urinating On Counter
by: Linda

I agree with Kurt. I had a cat that did this. He was a FIC (FUS) cat, so she may have a urinary tract infection.

Good luck. >^.^<

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